ProtectiFlex® Masonry
ProtectiFlex masonry is a revolutionary material that is superior in extreme loading performance to standard concrete masonry block systems. The technology is available in standard or customized full and half-block configurations.
Protectiflex masonry is produced with similar equipment and practices in masonry fabrication plants and installed using standard block laying and construction practices. The technology can be incorporated in new construction or retrofit applications for extreme loading mitigation.
Conventional and Customized Block Form
ProtectiFlex masonry can be provided in both standard and customized Block Form for various wall thicknesses and configurations.
ProtectiFlex masonry has been developed into a finished product which resembles typical concrete masonry blocks and is available in a wide range of architectural finishes.
Extreme Loading Testing and Performance Validation
ProtectiFlex in Masonry Form has successfully passed rigorous testing including blast testing, ballistic and weapon effects testing, forced entry testing, seismic testing and fire testing. Material characterization and durability testing including heat, rain and freeze thaw cycle testing. Further details on durability testing and associated hygrothermal performance can be requested and released to the authorized organizations.
Blast Testing
Open-air blast testing and performance validation of the ProtectiFlex masonry system was conducted at the RAF Spandeadam Blast Range Test Facility in the United Kingdom in accordance with the guidelines and performance criteria listed under the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI).
The blast testing was conducted on various thickness of Protectiflex masonry wall configurations at various standoffs for a vehicle bomb explosion scenario. The testing demonstrated that the ProtectiFlex masonry outclassed comparative concrete masonry blocks tested under the CPNI criteria for the selected design threat and standoff distances. No spalling of the tested walls was observed. The overall test program validated the ProtectiFlex masonry wall system as a viable construction option for blast protection. Further details of the blast testing results and associated performance can be requested and released to the authorized organizations.
Ballistic Testing
Ballistic testing was undertaken by certified ballistic testing authorities to stringent British and European standards. ProtectiFlex was tested at David Goode Associates in the UK by the methodology demands of BS EN 1063:2000 and BS EN 1522. The tests demonstrate ProtectiFlex performance against various caliber sizes and speeds. ProtectiFlex not only stopped penetration of the projectile but also maintained its structural integrity. Further details of the ballistics testing and associated ballistic ratings for the various thicknesses evaluated for the ProtectiFlex technology can be requested and released to authorized organizations.
Ballistic resistance testing and evaluation of the ProtectiFlex Masonry technology was conducted at Oregon Ballistic Laboratories (OBL) indoor ballistic range in Salem, Oregon. The tests were for various thicknesses and followed the UL 752 Standard for Bullet-Resisting Equipment and Materials and NIJ-STD-0108.01 standard for ballistic resistance protective materials. The tests demonstrate ProtectiFlex performance against various caliber sizes and speeds. ProtectiFlex not only stopped penetration of the projectile but also maintained its structural integrity. Further details of the ballistics testing and associated ballistic ratings for the various thicknesses evaluated for the ProtectiFlex technology can be requested and released to authorized organizations.
Weapons Effects Testing
ProtectiFlex masonry wall along with competing products was tested against weapon effects from a 105mm artillery shell, 122mm rocket, and 155mm artillery shell at selected standoffs. All mitigation products were placed at an equal distance from the explosive weapon devices. The ProtectiFlex masonry specimens outperformed all the other competing products in all cases.
Cannon Shell Protection
9 rounds of 30mm Rarden cannon shells fired at a ProtectiFlex masonry wall from a Warrior IFV F510 at 800m.
Masonry wall hit by cannon
30mm Rarden cannon rounds
British Army Warrior IFV F510
Close Proximity Blast
Protectiflex masonry walls and other blast systems were tested at a close range against charges of 105mm and 155mm artillery shell and 122mm mortar. The ProtectiFlex wall gave far superior results to the competition in all cases. The typical results below demonstrate the effects of the 122mm mortar at 1.5m (5ft) from the walls.
122mm mortar detonated at 1.5m from ProtectiFlex wall, standard wall and other blast system.
ProtectiFlex is the only wall left standing with minor damage to the face of the wall but no spalling.
ProtectiFlex is the only wall left standing after the 5kg charge is detonated. Competitor wall system lying in the foreground Glazing system and concrete wall.
Cannon Shell Testing Effects- Nine rounds of 30mm Rarden cannon shells were fired at a ProtectiFlex masonry wall configuration from a Warrior IFV F510 at 800 meters ( 2625 ft) with no full breach.
Dynamic RPG: ProtectiFlex’s UK BBX masonry tested against an RPG. Impressive results were achieved at the blast and ballistic trials headed by the British Army.
ProtectiFlex UK BBX masonry wall systems was tested against a detonated fragmentation device at 3 meter (10 ft). Impressive results with minor localized damage and no perforation was achieved at these trials headed by the British Army.
ProtectiFlex UK BBX masonry wall systems was tested against a 107mm Rocket Surrogate at 3 meter (10 ft). Yet another Impressive result with minor localized damage and no perforation was achieved at these trials headed by the British Army.
***Videos courtesy of Robinsons Worldwide Solutions (RWS)
Ballistic Protection
HMG repeat firing .50 calibre rounds on ProtectiFlex wall and Concrete wall.
ProtectiFlex is on the left and standard concrete wall is to the right after repeated 50 calibre fire.
Seismic Testing
Protectiflex masonry testing for seismic effects were conducted in accordance with ASTM E2126. Tests Results and Supplemental Modeling concluded the ProtectiFlex Masonry have inherent ductility and enhanced energy dissipation and damping characteristics compared to standard reinforced CMU of similar configuration. Further details of the seismic testing results and associated performance can be requested and released to the authorized organizations.
Fire Testing
ProtectiFlex wall after 2 hours
A two-hour fire test was conducted at the Cambridge Fire Research lab in the United Kingdom on a 4- inch (100mm) thick ProtectiFlex masonry block wall, according to BS EN1364-1:2015. The 4-inch wall met the standard requirements, provided the required fire resistance along with a low thermal conductivity of 0.83 W/m.K.
Thermal Conductivity: ProtectiFlex blocks meet Standards requirements providing a low thermal conductivity of 0.83 W/m.K.
Fire Safety: ProtectiFlex offers excellent periods of fire resistance (132min / 100mm without failure). A ProtectiFlex wall was fire tested at Cambridge Fire Research in accordance with BS EN 1364-1: 2015 to meet building regulations and other imposed requirements e.g. insurers.
Durability: ProtectiFlex hygrothermal performance was successfully tested to MOAT 22 Heat, Rain & Freeze Thaw Cycling.
ProtectiFlex Safety Data Sheets accord with EC-Regulations 1907/2006 (REACH) for all safety requirements.